Okay, I couldn't wait to get home from Houston so that I could do these.
I had the most fun, as a non- mixed media person could have... I read
an article in cloth, paper, scissors-nov/dec 2011 ( by Laura Ryan)
regarding making beads from beer caps and since I had many of friend
save me caps (sorry about the alcoholism folks. I finally used a few. It
didn't make a dent in my stash but oh well. I had to order a few
supplies that I couldn't pick up in Houston and got started yesterday.
Oh what fun... Here are the pix.

I first punched holes in the caps then domed some (way fun). I didn't
follow the directions because it wasn't working for me, so I soldered
the caps together, then applied a little rice paper and then tissue
I now have used newspaper, stamps, old magazine pages,and whatever else I could find. I then used paint, stamps and lots of other things to make them pretty. I love them (mostly), I thought that the alcohol inks and walnut inks? were too dark. So, here are the pictures.
I have now moved on to earrings. I didn't dome these and still need to add glitz and glimmer but that will have to wait until my next day off. So until then, keep on quilting my friends.
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